インタナの常連(じょうれん)メンバー・イニゴさんから Here is the event invitation from Inigo-san!! ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ *下に下手な日本語でも書かれています Hello, how are you doing? We are planning a Intana event in the occasion of the bon-odori festival in Ebisu. Last year we attended the practice lessons a couple of weeks before the event itself, but didn’t go to the festival. This time we are going straight to the event! Don’t worry, most of the dances are veeery easy, and you will get the hang of them in just a few minutes! But first of all: what is the bon-odori? Well, it’s the kind of traditional dance of the Obon festivities. You usually dance it wearing a jimbei (males) or yukata (females). It is danced in a wide circle of people going around a tower in the center, where the musicians are playing and the professional dancers are dancing so everyone can see them and follow their pace. Let’s take a look! (Random video taken from youtube) http://www.youtube.com/ As you can see, it’s slow and easy to dance. There are also a couple of newer dances, faster and more difficult, but we will survive ;). Everybody can join, with or without traditional clothes, already knowing the dance or learning along the way! "BON-ODORI INTANA" ~ Let's Dance! ~ ========================== 7/27 (Fri)19:30 Meet at Ebisu station east exit entrance gate ( in front of “higashi-guchi kaisatsu”) 19:30〜21:30 Ebisu bon-odori ※Please be there on time! Ebisu station will be very crowded at this day, so it might be hard to get together once you get late. More info: http:// Fee: 0 yen! Clothes we recommend!: Jimbei or Yukata (if you don’t own one by one, cheapest and easiest to find is inドンキホーテ, or order from Amazon JP or Rakuten) , and sandals (either traditional Japanese or whatever sandals you can find at home). If you don’t have them or the time to get them, just bring any comfortable clothes you have at home which will allow you to move and dance freely! Additional info: try to bring as little baggage as possible, since it will be an annoyance while dancing! If you are coming dressed in traditional clothes (which you should, it’s much more fun!), it may be better to change clothes before coming to Ebisu and let your stuff at the locker of some nearby station like Shibuya, or at home/work. Ebisu station is so crowded that day, that it will be probably impossible to find a free locker. Jimbei (not sure about yukata) usually have a pocket or two where you can save at least your keys and some money. You could also bring a small purse with the few things you would need, it will be more useful than a huge bag. ※Notice! It’s a festival so you might be lose us in the crowd. If you got lost, please don’t care too much about INTANA, and please just enjoy the festival. Try not to be by yourself. ========================== If anyone wants to join us, email us : ========================== Name Hometown ========================== send ↑ to: intana_class@googlegroups. or, press "attend" botton of facebook page! We are waiting for you! Love, INTANA. こんばんは!元気ですか? 恵比寿盆踊りの際にイベントを企画しています。去年はみ でも、まずは:盆踊りっていうのは、なんですか? お盆の際に、甚平(男性)か浴衣(女性)を着て踊る伝統 http://www.youtube.com/ ビデオに見える通り、踊りやすいですね!新しい2曲もあ 「盆踊りインタナ」~踊ろう!~ ========================== 7/27(金) 19:30 恵比寿駅 東口改札前 で集合 19:30〜21:30 恵比寿駅前盆踊り ※時間には遅れないようにしてください!当日は恵比寿駅 基本情報: http:// 参加費:0円! おすすめの服装!: 甚平か浴衣(まだ持っていない場合は、一番安くて見つけ 便利な情報:できる限り軽い荷物を持って来て下さい。踊 甚平は(浴衣のことがわかりません)ポケットが1,2つ ※この日ははお祭りです。できるだけみんなで楽しみたい ========================== 参加したい!と思った方は、↓を書いて ========================== 名前 出身地 ========================== こちら→intana_class@googlegro facebookページの「参加する(Attend)」 どうぞよろしくおねがいします! インタナより |
盆踊り(ぼんおどり)~Let's Dance!~
投稿 (Atom)