~New year "Rice-cake making"!!~
□Date: 12/19(Sat)
□Time: 10:00~12:00
Map: http://www.shibuya-univ.net/classroom/imgs/harajyukunooka.gif
※It's a Different place from "Care Community MITAKE no oka"!
※Please note:
□You will join the "rice-cake making". Please come to the class by a comfortable outfit to move your body.
□We don't have heating devices in the class, so please be in a warm clothing.
□We use "USU(rice mortar)", "KINE(beetle)", which is pretty heavy.
Please be aware to stay yourself in safe. We cannot take any responsibility if you are injured.
How many nights should I sleep till its "OSHOGATSU"♪ (NEW YEAR)
It's a famous phrase from a song, that we cannot wait for "OSHOGATSU"!
OSHOGATSU is special for Japanese people, and in past times, it was very common for every Japanese family to join "MOCHI TSUKI"(Rice-cake making) event.
Nowadays, not every Japanese people does "MOCHITSUKI", however, everyone LOVES IT! They just don't have much chances now compared to the past times.
SO, Shibuya University will do a class for it.
The teacher for this class is:
Professional "SHUFU"(housewife), Mrs.Shintani,
A organizer for a cooking unit "NANPUSHOKUDO", Ms.Mihara,
Prof. Watanabe from Tokyo Gakugei University.
Let's try rice-cake making, and learn about Japanese food culture!
After you try it, of course you can eat it then,
and also you can bring a "KAGAMI-MOCHI" at home, for your own "OSHOGATSU".
<Time Schedule>
9:30 Start accepting
10:00 Orientation
10:10 Learn How to do "MOCHITSUKI"
10:15 MOCHITSUKI starts!
10:45 Learn HOW to eat "MOCHI"
11:15 How to make "KAGAMIMOCI"
11:20 Let's make "KAGAMIMOCHI"
11:50 Q&A
12:00 Finish!
Email us before 12/10(Thu)!!!
with the following information:
Name :
Age :
Your hometown :
Your Level of Japanese :
(Cannot understand at all/ Can hear but hard to speak out....etc.)
How did you know "Shibuya University"? :
※We handle inquiries on a first-come and first served basis.
Please let us know earlier if you want to join!
We are sorry when it reaches a limit.
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